How Much Are Ohio Fishing Licenses Apply Online Today
The cost of the license offers considerable savings and convenience to the holder and supports conservation programs. Revenue generated by lifetime licenses provide long-term financial support for Ohio’s fish and wildlife. Annual fishing licenses are valid for 365 days from purchase date. Annual and multiyear fishing licenses are valid from purchase date until the expiration date printed on the license.
To get a fishing license in Ohio, visit Ohio’s Division of Wildlife website to figure out what kind of license you need, depending on your residency and the length of time you plan to fish. Next, purchase your selected license on the website using your credit or debit card. You can also call the Division of Wildlife’s phone number and purchase your license over the phone. Additionally, you can call the Department of Natural Resources, request a form, and mail it in along with the required fee to get a license. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Division of Wildlife work together to protect the environment and the many species of fish and wildlife that call Ohio home.
As a non-resident, you can save more money by purchasing an Ohio fishing license if you fish in Ohio multiple occasions per year. While the one day license is the same for both residents and non-residents, the other license types vary greatly in price based on residency. A multiyear license allows an Ohio resident the opportunity to lock-in rates and avoid transaction fees for the length of the license. You can purchase these licenses for 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years. Active duty military on leave or furlough don’t need licenses to fish.
Whether you are a full time resident of Ohio or simply visiting, you will need a license to take any fish, frogs or turtles from Ohio waters. Get a fishing license in Ohio online, in person, by mail or over the phone. In Ohio, you can buy a fishing license at the Division of Wildlife website at or allowed license sales agents throughout the state. If you purchase your license online, they will email it to you after completing the transaction.
You don’t have to print the license; you can simply display it on your mobile device if you are asked to present it. Ohio’s resident fishing licenses are $25 and are valid for one year from the date of purchase and can be purchased up to 30 days prior to the expiration date. A fishing license is required to fish in Ohio public waters. Any license can be purchased on Ohio’s Division of Wildlife secure website. You will need a credit or debit card to pay for the license, and the ability to print your license once you have paid for it.
You will find links to Ohio’s fishing regulations and other important information on this page. You can verify that you are applying for the correct license and are complying with the law. While individuals under the age of 16 are not required to have a fishing license, it may be beneficial to buy a Resident Youth Lifetime License for $430.56. Sign-up to receive our monthly newsletter with interesting blogs about fishing and boating. Get fishing tips and tricks and read personal stories from anglers who live and breathe fishing and boating. Learn new fishing skills, boating resources, fishing etiquette, conservation and more.
Otherwise, you are encouraged to contact the DNR with questions if you need assistance. You can download Ohio’s app, HuntFish OH. Create an account and follow all instructions step-by-step to ensure you are applying correctly. Additional resources and information can be found directly on the Ohio Department of Natural Resources site. To qualify as a resident, you must have lived in the state of Ohio for the past six consecutive months.
Customers also have the option of choosing automatic renewal when purchasing a license online or when using a smartphone. The selected license will renew automatically to ensure the purchaser always has a valid license. License sales fund the Division of Wildlife’s projects and programs that benefit wildlife and people.
Dion Liriano is a 51-year-old American zookeeper who has retired from the business. He was once a highly successful director of the Zoo and Aquarium, but he has since hung up his gloves and moved on to other ventures. Dion's passion for animals began at a young age, when he would help his father care for their family pets. This love grew exponentially when he started working at the zoo; Dion quickly became one of the most experienced keepers in the business. He credits his success to the relationships he built with both staff and animals over the years.