How To Get Bass Fishing Sponsors Texas Fish & Game Magazine

While there are always exceptions to the rules, following this guide will certainly assist you along the way in your journey to obtain and maintain sponsors. Anglers at this level expect to have paying sponsors and boat wrap deals. Title sponsorships and boat wraps can garner $30,000+ annual income, but there are still many anglers that do not have paying sponsorships at this level.

An example is If you are only planning to fish at a local or regional level the odds of you having a high number of paying sponsors are pretty small. There are more anglers than ever before looking for sponsorships and brands are being bombarded with sponsorships requests. In reality, most of them have fixed marketing budgets every year and already have a number of anglers on staff. They are not looking to add a larger number of new anglers every year. Just fishing tournaments is no longer enough to get a brand’s attention.

Don’t make the NUMBER 1 mistake beginning anglers make when approaching the companies. DO NOT walk in bragging; beating yourself on the chest and saying ok, here I am, now what can you do for me. And remember,as a member of their pro staff, you actually work for them. I too often hear that many young pros have out-sized egos, which are perfect for accompanying their overzealous requests. Spend less time trying to sell “Brand You” and more time highlighting your ability to sell your potential sponsor’s brands. You’ll have plenty of time to hone your branding skills, but only if you prove to be a savvy salesman, less interested in self-promotion than in being a great asset.

how to get sponsored for bass fishing

Today’s pro staff managers are looking for anglers that use social media or YouTube effectively. Start your social media or YouTube channel and make content that is interesting or useful. If you are not good at those platforms personally, you can still provide value by being willing to supply lots of pictures and content that can be used on social media.

Perhaps talk about how and where you use the products, the successes you’ve had involving the products, or feedback about product performance. I asked a couple friends of mine, Brad Whatley who is fishing the Bassmaster Elite Series and James Watson who is fishing Major League Fishing to give me some perspective on acquiring sponsors. In the world of Bass Fishing things have progressed rather quickly regarding sponsorship and branding.

The numbers show that the next crop of bass anglers (college-age, avid bass anglers) pay more attention to anglers who are closer to their age bracket. So, when a young angler wins a tournament or debuts a new products, other young anglers pay more attention than they would if, say, the winning angler was in his 40s or 50s. I’m talking about being able to sell products for your sponsors. Roll your eyes all you want, but unless you can guarantee tournament wins ( and know that you can’t), the primary currency you have with sponsors is in being an adept spokesperson for their brands.

I have secured some great sponsors in my fields and am super grateful for them and couldn’t do a lot of things without them. You HAVE to be a walking/talking salesman for the companies you represent. When you can’t name your sponsors in a sentence, you probably have too many. BW- Yes, you can certainly stretch yourself too thin and not give sponsors the time they require or pay for.

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Dion Liriano is a 51-year-old American zookeeper who has retired from the business. He was once a highly successful director of the Zoo and Aquarium, but he has since hung up his gloves and moved on to other ventures. Dion's passion for animals began at a young age, when he would help his father care for their family pets. This love grew exponentially when he started working at the zoo; Dion quickly became one of the most experienced keepers in the business. He credits his success to the relationships he built with both staff and animals over the years.

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