Maplestory 2 Fishing guide how to start fishing in MS2

You may increase your chances from 1-5% of catching a prize fish by fishing in a party of the same channel in the same map. Has anybody noticed any difference between auto fishing and just pressing spacebar over and over? Other than pressing spacebar to cast won’t let you catch ones you have to manually reel in. You can ONLY get points in that if you’re fishing at the correct level for your mastery.

Getting really very good rewards out of it like money, EXPs and items. Still, its right now “nearly” to useless but a thing you can do if you have either nothing better to do, just wanna chill from the game or let your character just do it in “afk mode” . Collecting crafting materials for Smithing & Alchemy skills. One thing you can do from pretty much early on which can be useful later is beginning to mine for orbs and foraging/collecting herbs.

As you catch more fish you get trophies at regular intervals. There are quite a few trophies which award you with titles and access to dyes. At 150 different types of fish caught you get a trophy which allows you to purchase a costume from the fishing store.

Each time you catch a new fish, a new entry is added to the album. In it, you can see the size of the fish and if it is of copper, silver or golden size. What’s worse is that these trophies commonly involve the rarer fish in the Exceptional and Epic categories, so catching these fish in the first place is already going to take a while. There’s a very real chance that you can invest a lot of hours fishing in a specific spot and still not catch a specific prize fish. Arguably the worst example of this type of Trophy is “Hook, Line, and Pyromander!”, which takes the above problems and makes you do it in the Fire Dragon Hard Dungeon.

So if you’re a beginner level two fisher you need to fish at a place that has beginner two level fish. To raise your proficiency, all you need to do is fish in areas with your matching fishing level. Moreover, make sure that you are catching quality fish with a high grade. It’s worth noting that while you can stick to manual fishing, you can also set up auto fishing instead.

The seas are packed with fish just waiting to be caught, after all. If you want to be an angler yourself, here’s everything you need to know about fishing in MapleStory 2. They dont have a long timer (around 25 seconds?) and they are like some bonus areas, just for you if you get the hat in time.

You can get one by progressing in the story or by purchasing it off a Fishing Supplies Dealers in Tria or Evansville. The game is full of things to do and one of the most fun is fishing. Let’s get started on how you can start fishing in MapleStory 2.

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Dion Liriano is a 51-year-old American zookeeper who has retired from the business. He was once a highly successful director of the Zoo and Aquarium, but he has since hung up his gloves and moved on to other ventures. Dion's passion for animals began at a young age, when he would help his father care for their family pets. This love grew exponentially when he started working at the zoo; Dion quickly became one of the most experienced keepers in the business. He credits his success to the relationships he built with both staff and animals over the years.

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